Are you looking to find a little more balance in your health, relationships + life in general?
It's hard to know where to start when you're looking to upgrade your health. With so much information + advice out there, it can be overwhelming…I’ve been there!
I created this toolkit as a way to share my health coaching tools, as well as inspire others to take a well-rounded look at their lives + learn to become their own health detective.
When we actively take our health into our own hands + pursue small changes... massive shifts can begin to happen + expand in our lives.
These tools will give you simple action steps you can take right now to boost your overall health, happiness + life.
Here's what you get:
Health LAB Daily Review + Food Log
This is an in-depth daily inventory of your food, mood + symptoms. I use this in my practice to identify trigger foods + chemical patterns in your body that show an unhealthy balance.
Life Wheel + Goal Setting Guide
This guide helps to clarify where you are in your life, what areas need a little more support + a simple action guide to creating a happier lifestyle.
Self Care Review
This worksheet is designed to bring more balance into your body, mind + spirit centers. Use this to cultivate more self-care, self- awareness + overall abundance.
Ready to start taking action?
Once you receive all the files, please print them out + spend some time going over each section. Use them, write all over them, color outside the lines...whatever you want to do to get the creative juices flowing in your life.
Don't worry about what you write or what you dream! Your goals were instilled in you for a purpose, so let them shine through these worksheets + help them propel you forward.
Feel free to print some of these out on a weekly or monthly see where you've progressed + how far you've come. A journey towards optimal health is just that... a journey. It's ever ever-evolving + ever changing.
Think about TODAY + what small single step we can take to move in the right direction.
P.S. Let me know in the comments what tools become your favorites + how they've brought a little more ease + clarity into your life. I'd love to hear your thoughts + I'd love to create more meaningful tools for you in the future. Let me know what you'd like to see!