In the wake of the 2020 “coronavirus pandemic”, our family saw a need to become more self-sufficient & to take even better care of our bodies.
Month 1 of growth!
We have always believed in using food as medicine & trusting it as the best way to safeguard our bodies against disease… which is why we decided to try out an indoor hydroponics food growing system!
I’d seen some friends have great success with their TOWER GARDEN systems (using them both indoor & outdoor!).
With the timer system, lighting system & all the automations - I knew it would be something my “black thumb” could handle, right?!
We started our first seedings on April 23 & within a week we had lots of sprouts & even roots on our bean plant! I was super surprised & excited about how quick & easy the whole process was.
It’s been a great way to slow down & watch God’s process of growth & transformation happen before my eyes.
🌻A daily reminder that good things take time.
🌾That change takes time.
🌱That growth takes time.
A reminder that we all need daily nourishment to keep us strong to withstand the constant changes & stress.💪🏼
This tower garden has not only been a great mental health tool but also a fun project for our family to do together.
My daughter LOVES to talk to our plants each day & encourage them to grow. It’s so dang sweet.
It’s also further developed her awareness about patience, how to treat things gently & all about seeds, roots & water.
We’re currently growing:
Cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, jalapeños, 6+ types of lettuce, bush beans, peas, cilantro, scallions, cabbage, celery, kale, basil, eucalyptus, assorted flowers, + more!
Our customized tower has room for 52 plants (we added the micro-greens extension) & the timer system makes it easy for us to manage a full garden while still being able to leave town for weeks.
If you want to get set up with your very own, they offer options as low as $50 a month to get started.
Super simple. Super easy to get organic, non-GMO product on your porch.