New Years Thoughts

Image As we come into the second week of 2014, I find myself still thinking about my New Years Resolutions.  I've always had a hard time coming up with a resolution, something I wanted to change for the next year.  I always found myself bottoming out a couple months in, and actually just being more disappointed in myself for not reaching my big goal.  I've spent the past 9 days racking my brain to formulate a list of things I could call my "resolution".  I also spent a great deal of time reading articles on goal setting, watching videos and listening to podcasts about sticking to a goal, creating more tangible goals, and goal manifestation.

After having a rough couple of days, I decided this morning that my "New Years Resolution" would only to be nicer to myself.  While reading my daily devotional, I realized just how much time I've spent thinking about things like: "I'm not like so-and-so", "I don't work as fast as others" and "I'm not where I thought I would be at this age".  I constantly have been putting myself down and comparing myself to others, mostly people I don't even know!  The internet makes it easy to do this, with a constant Instagram and Facebook feed of entrepreneurs and writers doing great things and making things happen.

In my previous post, I mentioned Trish Blackwell.  Her words stuck with me day after day, and I realized if I ever want to be someone that others look up to, I have to stop comparing, contrasting, and striving for someone else's goals.  She reminds me that each of those people I see on social media also has their own struggles, and most likely have experienced doubt within themselves and self-hate at one point or another.

So, instead of making a crazy list of things to "manage" and "do daily" (I already have enough damn lists!), I'm keeping it simple this year and striving towards self-love, because without that, any goal I do manage to conquer won't be as fulfilling.  I challenge you to take a step back and just mindfully be aware of how nice you are/ be to yourself.  I guarantee you will enjoy your journey a lot more.

By January 1, 2015, I will be able to say I loved myself more, I loved others more, and truly enjoyed a year of simply making myself happier. Simple.

What are you planning on manifesting for yourself this year?

Listen to Trish's Anti-Self Bullying Podcast here, and enjoy what Kelly McGonigal has to say about sticking to a simpler resolution.

Happy New Year!


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Trish BlackwellScreen Shot 2014-01-08 at 3.29.49 PMScreen Shot 2014-01-08 at 3.47.54 PM If you haven't listened to Trish Blackwell, you are seriously missing out!  This powerful lady will boost your confidence and direct you towards a life of abundance.  She speaks as if she were a close friend, and I credit her to getting my goals on track for this year. You can listen/download from her website or in the iTunes app.

Lauren @ The Holy Kale is one of my favorites in the online health world.   I love her article on Keeping Your Produce Fresh.  This is very important for maximizing the food you spend so much time and money on!  I use it every time I get back from the farmers market.

Check out this link to see how sugar is really affecting your brain.  I love TED videos, and this one keeps it short and sweet. (Literally!) I've been trying to stay away from any sugars, even keeping high glycemic fruits out of the house. I know I was/still am highly addicted, and this video explains exactly why sugar can overtake your mental control.
