Holistic Health as a Christian

Oh boy, will this ruffle some feathers! This topic is not for everyone & I encourage you to have an open mind when listening.

If you’re a Christian who has been confused about how to properly steward your body & mind, then this is for you.

If you’ve struggled with mental health imbalances, depression, anxiety, etc, then this is for you.

If you want to live your best life & learn to balance your biochemistry from a scientific & strategic perspective without any New Age practices- then this is for you!

This is what I’ve learned over the years when it comes to “holistic health” & how the New Age movement has infiltrated many health topics in our modern world… & how to get well & stay well for good so you can “run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Overall, we have great authority over our bodies & the Bible says it’s a temple. It’s literally where the Holy Spirit resides! What a blessing it is to have this dominion over God’s temple.

When studying the human body & how it operates, there is no doubt that we are divinely made. How does such a complicated & perfect machine just form spontaneously from microscopic sperm & egg?! I truly believe that science is just trying to prove that God exists. I LOVE using science & biochemistry to understand the body on a deeper, cellular level. It’s changed my life & the lives of thousands of others.

Enjoy my interview with Angela as we chat about all things health & how it relates to how God says we should be taking care of our bodies.

9 Simple + Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Inner Health Right Now

In this moment, stress is abundant + time passes us by all too quickly. Taking small moments for yourself + practicing self-awareness helps ground us + keep us present.  Use these health hacks when you feel tense, tired, or over-stimulated.  These free + holistic tools make it easy to start your inward health journey.

1 // Take A Break : Take your shoes off and go outside for a few minutes.  By connecting your bare feet to the earth, your body naturally reduces chronic fatigue + inflammation.

2 // Breathe : Place your hands over your belly + simply listen to your breath.  Try extending your inhales + exhales to 6 long seconds each.  This relaxes the nervous system + reduces the stress hormone, cortisol. 

3 // Clear The Clutter : Spend 5 minutes organizing your desk or a drawer in the kitchen or bathroom.  Get rid of things that you haven't used recently.  The act of "letting things go" and "creating space" subconsciously creates better blood flow + less oxidative stress in your body. 

4 // Light A Candle : The mesmerizing effect of a candle flame is a great way to divert your eyes from the computer screen or workload.  Set an intention first, and focus your body + mind on the energetic qualities of fire. 

5 // Stretch Your Body : Stand up, turn on a short yoga video or simply just practice some twists + arm circles in your chair.  By increasing movement in your physical body, you have the opportunity to release toxins, stimulate cleansing + increase energy.

6 // Write Yourself A Note : On a sticky post-it, record a favorite verse, proverb, affirmation, or positive quote. Fold it up in your pocket and read as the day goes on, or be happily surprised + inspired later in the day.

7 // Drink Hot Lemon Water :  By adding this citrus fruit to hot water, your body's metabolism increases + your liver starts functioning more efficiently.  This helps clear skin, absorb essential nutrients from food + boosts immune system. 

8 // Smile + Compliment Someone : The best way to boost your health + energy is boosting someone else's.  Offer a gift, smile, or kind words to the next person you meet, and recognize how that positivity comes back into your life.  

9 // Get Rid Of Chatter : Next time you find your TV/radio/phone providing background noise, turn it off and observe the peace that begins to fill the space + your mind. This practice lowers blood pressure, decreases tension  + offers mind-body connection. 

Understanding The Karma Concept


The Karma Concept was born out the pursuit to create a healthier lifestyle; to set you up to discover your true self, your own powers of healing, and how to create a more profitable future through self awareness.

Karma is defined in the dictionary as “action; seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation.”

Setting aside the commonly spoken about definition regarding circumstances and events, this philosophy & definition can more positively be translated into your own self, and the reactions you experience throughout your body, mind, and spirit.  Physical, mental, and emotional symptoms & imbalances can all be traced back to an initial point that started the resonating process.  Whether it is healthy food vs. junk food, supportive relationships vs. negative relationships, or positive thoughts vs. self-sabotaging thoughts, our current presence and holistic self are the outcomes of past experiences and choices. Understanding where they came from can lead you towards a path of self-healing.

The wonderful thing is that we can change our future by changing our present.  In terms of karma, begin focusing on the here & now to create a healthier future.  We can no longer do anything about the past, so accepting where we are in the current moment is the best we are ever able to do.  Support a positive present to reap a healthy future.

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

I spent many days feeding my body food that wasn't right for it, only to have many negative symptoms of disease, depleted hormones and no gut function.  I was not being totally conscious of my food choices or noticing how these foods were directly affecting my energy and body as a whole.  My mind was cluttered with negative external remarks and self-hatred, living in the flesh rather than my own soul.  Talk about an ongoing bad dose of karma… By eating the wrong foods and thinking the wrong thoughts, I was only slowly poisoning my body and mind.

My actions were developing constant negative results, and I was clueless.  I’d see doctor after doctor prescribing medications that only covered up the problems temporarily.  I decided I needed to take things into my own hands and begin research on my own.  I ended up diagnosing myself before my naturopath could, and am grateful I could develop the self awareness needed to pay attention and look in the right places.  It didn't come easy, and I contribute my 10+ years of yoga and yoga teacher training to the development of these tools.  Most people can't tap into this realm of awareness as easily, and there are more health problems now than ever before.

Through The Karma Concept, learn to identify what is triggering your mind/body/spirit symptoms before they really get out of hand.  Your health is completely controlled by you, and you are your own best healer.

3 Simple Easy Ways To Start

Food Log:

Keeping track of what you eat, how often you eat, and how these foods make you feel is the first step in identifying key issues.  You can either keep a hand written journal with you, or easily download an app on your phone.  I personally use My Fitness Pal.  It even tracks your exercise and weight loss goals.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have not started a daily meditation practice, DO SO NOW!  This can create the most awareness in your body.  Focus on tuning in to your organs and brain, to see how well you are digesting and resting.  Meditation Oasis is my favorite, and there is definitely something for everyone.  Starting with just a couple minutes a day, can make a huge impact on how you feel and react to the world.


Writing down your thoughts, moods, and gratitudes is a simple way to get things off your chest and heal your mind.  Challenge yourself to write down 10 things you are thankful for each day.  Check out Tiny Buddha's 10 Journaling Tips.

Believe in Your Future Self

Becoming aware of your internal body & mind definitely takes time, but hey, you’ve got a lifetime to be in the body you have!  Make the most of it and charge it up to it’s fullest potential.

Live the life you desire.

Namaste, Leah

Friday Favorites

  Friday Favorites 5_16

1. Your Yoga Horoscope can help you get to know your body. (wellandgoodnyc.com)

2. How do you not want to dance/clean/cry to this song & video. (youtube.com)

3. Customizing your cleanse with Sean & Christa. (undergroundwellness.com)

4. Check out how much food dye you & your kids could be eating. (rodalenews.com)

5. Pep Talk rom Kid President to You. (youtube.com)

6. I love the idea of re-purposing mason jars as herb planters. (etsy.com)


Have a happy and healthy weekend friends!

Namaste, Leah

Homemade: Kettle Corn

Popcorn used to be my favorite snack as a kid, definitely being eaten daily after school, and sometimes willingly being subbed out for meals. Did anyone else have such an obsession with the kettle corn microwavable packs? Seriously, I love popcorn. I was heartbroken after reading Food Babe's article on Why Microwave Popcorn Is An Absolute Health Nightmare, so I quickly made the switch to air popping my own.  It took some time to get used (i.e. burning a lot of batches), but have finally been able to reproduce microwavable kettle corn on a healthier, tastier level.

Popcorn is a great low calorie snack, quick to make, and easy to take on the go or smuggle into movie theaters.  Make sure the kernels you purchase are Non GMO & Organic.  If you haven't seen & rented the documentary Genetic Roulette, it's amust watch. 

Homemade: Kettle Corn Popcorn

Using coconut crystals keeps the sugar content low on this kettle corn, with only 4 grams per tablespoon.  Feel free to use more or less, depending on your own body's response to sugar. 

Homemade Kettle Corn 


+  1/3 c. non-gmo popcorn kernels

+  2 tbs. coconut oil  (use more as drizzle after popped, if desired)

+  3-4 tbs. coconut sugar crystals

+  salt, if desired

+ large saucepan & lid


1.  Heat coconut oil in pan w/ lid on

2.  Pour kernels in oil after its warm

3.  Wearing oven mitts, hold pan and gently shake the kernels, making sure they don't burn.

4.  Continue shaking as they pop.

5.  Turn off heat before the last kernel pops & drizzle in melted coconut oil or grass fed butter.

6.  Sprinkle coconut crystals and a dash of salt.

7.  Shake some more.

Be sure to also try Food Babe's Superfood Popcorn and let me know what other combinations to try. Happy Snacking!