7 Reasons You Might Need To Hire A Health Coach

2016 is YOUR year + today you have the option to change your health + life.  Not feeling like your best self is SO 2015 + you absolutely deserve to feel great, look great + perform great...physically, mentally + spiritually.  Below are some common problems I've personally experienced on my way to searching for my own health coach.  Do you resonate with one (or many) of them?

1. You aren't getting any results with your doctor.

Have you been to multiple doctors who just can’t figure out what is wrong?  Sadly, this is what happened to me after visiting one of the top hospitals in the country.  No doctor had any answers as to why I had the digestive symptoms I had, and more importantly, it seemed like they didn't even care.  By seeking alternative medicine + a personal health coach, I was able to get my lifestyle back to the basics and truly understand where all my problems were coming from.  By starting from the ground up + understanding how food and lifestyle changes can make massive impact in your body, you bring back a level of awareness that had previously been ignored. 

2. You feel stuck + uninspired.

Do you lack overall happiness, direction + satisfaction overall?  By working with a coach to view health + lifestyle as an overall wellness routine, it brings light to the the un-nurtured aspects of life that need to be re-kindled. Talking with an un-biased second party can bring inspiration + clarity to your career, family life, health, personal growth, relationships + overall wellness.

3. You're eating healthy but still aren't feeling well or losing weight.

Many foods are one persons medicine + another persons poison.  By getting a plan that is tailored to you as an individual, you’re making sure you’re nourishment is actively working with you on a cellular level.  With so many fad diets on the market, working with a health coach is a great way to skip the confusion + just easily find out what works best for you.  

4. You have digestion issues and/or brain fog.

Are you tirelessly living with bloating, gas + constipation or suffer from an inability to think quickly, concisely + energetically? Digestion + the brain go hand-in-hand and truly work together.  By working to health the gut, the brain begins to flourish + become more clear.  After working together, you'll be able to say bye-bye to physical + mental pains and really begin to enjoy each day with more clarity + less abdominal discomfort.  

5. You're energy is constantly low + you're living off caffeine.

Have you noticed your coffee habit is actually making you MORE tired?!?  I've been there and was truly confused at what was happening internally.  This also directly relates to healing the gut + brain, as well as how the hormones are functioning.  By working to lessen the caffeine addiction + get to the root source of your discomfort, you can soon enjoy your coffee for what it's meant to be. 

6. You're stress levels are high + you suffer from anxiety.

As a yoga instructor as well as a health coach, I have an abundance of tools to help you learn to relax + let go of stressors in your life.  We can work together to understand your anxiety + stress on a deep level and find what foods can help control the nervous system so you can stay relaxed + living with ease. 

7. You're family needs to eat better but you don't know where to start.

 Do you have children + a spouse who you want to also help feel better, but are confused on what steps to take to get them there?  By defining the goals you have for your family, we can take small steps to change your food + cooking habits without sacrificing desserts + fun.  By getting them to join in on the process to a healthier home, everyone can learn + experience a nutritious life together. 

If you're ready to take your life into your own hands, embrace positive changes, + truly learn about your body... NOW is your chance!  Book a FREE Clarity Call to see how we can work together! 



← Mindfullness

Understanding The Karma Concept


The Karma Concept was born out the pursuit to create a healthier lifestyle; to set you up to discover your true self, your own powers of healing, and how to create a more profitable future through self awareness.

Karma is defined in the dictionary as “action; seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation.”

Setting aside the commonly spoken about definition regarding circumstances and events, this philosophy & definition can more positively be translated into your own self, and the reactions you experience throughout your body, mind, and spirit.  Physical, mental, and emotional symptoms & imbalances can all be traced back to an initial point that started the resonating process.  Whether it is healthy food vs. junk food, supportive relationships vs. negative relationships, or positive thoughts vs. self-sabotaging thoughts, our current presence and holistic self are the outcomes of past experiences and choices. Understanding where they came from can lead you towards a path of self-healing.

The wonderful thing is that we can change our future by changing our present.  In terms of karma, begin focusing on the here & now to create a healthier future.  We can no longer do anything about the past, so accepting where we are in the current moment is the best we are ever able to do.  Support a positive present to reap a healthy future.

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

I spent many days feeding my body food that wasn't right for it, only to have many negative symptoms of disease, depleted hormones and no gut function.  I was not being totally conscious of my food choices or noticing how these foods were directly affecting my energy and body as a whole.  My mind was cluttered with negative external remarks and self-hatred, living in the flesh rather than my own soul.  Talk about an ongoing bad dose of karma… By eating the wrong foods and thinking the wrong thoughts, I was only slowly poisoning my body and mind.

My actions were developing constant negative results, and I was clueless.  I’d see doctor after doctor prescribing medications that only covered up the problems temporarily.  I decided I needed to take things into my own hands and begin research on my own.  I ended up diagnosing myself before my naturopath could, and am grateful I could develop the self awareness needed to pay attention and look in the right places.  It didn't come easy, and I contribute my 10+ years of yoga and yoga teacher training to the development of these tools.  Most people can't tap into this realm of awareness as easily, and there are more health problems now than ever before.

Through The Karma Concept, learn to identify what is triggering your mind/body/spirit symptoms before they really get out of hand.  Your health is completely controlled by you, and you are your own best healer.

3 Simple Easy Ways To Start

Food Log:

Keeping track of what you eat, how often you eat, and how these foods make you feel is the first step in identifying key issues.  You can either keep a hand written journal with you, or easily download an app on your phone.  I personally use My Fitness Pal.  It even tracks your exercise and weight loss goals.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have not started a daily meditation practice, DO SO NOW!  This can create the most awareness in your body.  Focus on tuning in to your organs and brain, to see how well you are digesting and resting.  Meditation Oasis is my favorite, and there is definitely something for everyone.  Starting with just a couple minutes a day, can make a huge impact on how you feel and react to the world.


Writing down your thoughts, moods, and gratitudes is a simple way to get things off your chest and heal your mind.  Challenge yourself to write down 10 things you are thankful for each day.  Check out Tiny Buddha's 10 Journaling Tips.

Believe in Your Future Self

Becoming aware of your internal body & mind definitely takes time, but hey, you’ve got a lifetime to be in the body you have!  Make the most of it and charge it up to it’s fullest potential.

Live the life you desire.

Namaste, Leah

Friday Favorites

  Friday Favorites 5_16

1. Your Yoga Horoscope can help you get to know your body. (wellandgoodnyc.com)

2. How do you not want to dance/clean/cry to this song & video. (youtube.com)

3. Customizing your cleanse with Sean & Christa. (undergroundwellness.com)

4. Check out how much food dye you & your kids could be eating. (rodalenews.com)

5. Pep Talk rom Kid President to You. (youtube.com)

6. I love the idea of re-purposing mason jars as herb planters. (etsy.com)


Have a happy and healthy weekend friends!

Namaste, Leah

A Natural Beauty

Happy National Day of Love, folks! In honor of Valentines Day, I'm heading back to the roots of New Years intent of self-love. I believe it's important to at least take one day out of the week to treat yourself and spend some quality time relaxing with the most important person in your life, YOU.

Since partaking on this health journey, I've not only changed my food habits, but also my beauty routine.  Just like conventional food, the products you wash your hair with, rub on your face, and clean with are made using harsh chemicals that should honestly be banned.  If you've been having ongoing health concerns, take a look at your medicine cabinet and shower products.  If you can't pronounce an ingredient AND have no idea what it is, it could be affecting your body internally.   (Check out how toxic your current cosmetics are in The Cosmetic Database.)

My favorite act of self-love is a detox bath.  I've made it a routine in my weekly schedule, and it was even recommended by my naturopathic doctor.  Below are some products I use consistently, free from chemicals and twisted ingredients.

Health Favorites

1/ Dry Skin Brush: One of my favorite products, this is used before your shower or bath.  It has a plethora of benefits, mainly becoming popular for removing cellulite, as well as to stimulate circulation, tone muscles, and eliminate clogged pores. (It also preps my legs for a cleaner shave.) Always start at your feet, and use long strokes up the body towards the heart.

Detox Bath Soak: Since the skin is the largest organ used for detoxing the body, this soak does it all in one sitting.  This San Francisco based company has many different blends of salts, catering to whatever your needs are.

Aztec Healing Clay:  I have used almost every face wash on the market and this has battled my skin problems better than anything I have ever used.  When blended with apple cider vinegar and brushed on the skin, it hardens within 15 minutes to create smaller pores, less blackheads, and overall more appealing skin tone.  Use right before you get in your detox bath, to get double the internal cleansing benefits.

Norwex Cloths: Want to stop using face wash altogether?!  These microfiber cloths are infused with silver thread, creating an antibacterial cloth when activated by water.  These get rid of my makeup better than anything topical I have used, and cleanse way better than chemical laden washes.  These make it easier to travel; I don't have to have an extra bottle in my bag!  Definitely a must have.  They are sold by independent distributors, so find someone near you and help out a small, local business.  (They also carry household-cleaning clothes, check out this video...)

Essential Oils:  These can be used for just about anything, but I love adding them to my bath water.  My favorites are lavender for relaxing at night, and a sandalwood/vetiver mixture for morning time.

Treat yourself, Heal Yourself, and Love Yourself.

Try Mary's Self-Love Meditation today as well. This is one of my favorites.


What natural products do you use in your daily beauty routines? Also, what are some essential oils that are must-haves around the home?  I'm looking to expand my collection. Thanks!

Much Love, Leah