A Meditative Mindfulness

A Meditative Mind

Happy Friday!

With the end of the workweek approaching, I think we all look forward to the relaxing aspect the weekend traditionally offers, right?  I say traditionally because many folks aren't so available to enjoy these days like they were designed.  I hope you're one of the lucky ones, yet I can almost guarantee you're sitting there, rolling your eyes, thinking "relaxing??? Is this lady crazy??? My weekends are for errands, forgotten chores, side jobs and everything in between..."

After attending a yoga class that included chanting and live music, my friend Alex asked if I had my own meditative practice.  I told her I didn't have one, and honestly had never been able to really "get into it", besides during my yoga teacher training. I've always wanted to be one of those people who found quiet peace in the morning that translated through the day but just hadn't figured out what worked for me.

She told me to check out Meditation Oasis, and even sat with me for a healing meditation.  We were across from each other on the ground; legs crossed, and slowly sank into the sounds in our headphones.  I found myself drifting away constantly from the lady speaking, and honestly don't remember a word she said...but I know how I felt after, and how well I slept that night.

Even if weekends are the start to your workweek, I challenge you to take a few minutes and just sit with yourself and practice a guided meditation.  The website above has short ones, long ones, and meditations with or without music, so it's easy to find something to tailor your preferences and time allotment.

Holistic heath focuses on body, mind, and spirit, and I believe meditation can target all these things, if you let it. Instead of focusing so much energy on eating more healthy or exercising more, give your brain a break for once.  Not that eating healthy and exercising aren't important, (because they are!), but focusing on strengthening the mind will lead to making other life shifts (like diet and exercise) more manageable and satisfying in the long run.

Happy Weekend & Namaste,
