A Meditative Mindfulness

A Meditative Mind

Happy Friday!

With the end of the workweek approaching, I think we all look forward to the relaxing aspect the weekend traditionally offers, right?  I say traditionally because many folks aren't so available to enjoy these days like they were designed.  I hope you're one of the lucky ones, yet I can almost guarantee you're sitting there, rolling your eyes, thinking "relaxing??? Is this lady crazy??? My weekends are for errands, forgotten chores, side jobs and everything in between..."

After attending a yoga class that included chanting and live music, my friend Alex asked if I had my own meditative practice.  I told her I didn't have one, and honestly had never been able to really "get into it", besides during my yoga teacher training. I've always wanted to be one of those people who found quiet peace in the morning that translated through the day but just hadn't figured out what worked for me.

She told me to check out Meditation Oasis, and even sat with me for a healing meditation.  We were across from each other on the ground; legs crossed, and slowly sank into the sounds in our headphones.  I found myself drifting away constantly from the lady speaking, and honestly don't remember a word she said...but I know how I felt after, and how well I slept that night.

Even if weekends are the start to your workweek, I challenge you to take a few minutes and just sit with yourself and practice a guided meditation.  The website above has short ones, long ones, and meditations with or without music, so it's easy to find something to tailor your preferences and time allotment.

Holistic heath focuses on body, mind, and spirit, and I believe meditation can target all these things, if you let it. Instead of focusing so much energy on eating more healthy or exercising more, give your brain a break for once.  Not that eating healthy and exercising aren't important, (because they are!), but focusing on strengthening the mind will lead to making other life shifts (like diet and exercise) more manageable and satisfying in the long run.

Happy Weekend & Namaste,


Veggie Blend Pizza Crust

Gluten Free Pizza. Cauliflower, Almond Flour, & Kale Crust.

Cauliflower crust can be a tricky thing.  You want it to hold up to you holding it + you definitely want it to be health-packed, kid-friendly + easy to take on the go, right?

Unlike many of the cheese packed recipes out there, this pizza is dairy free, gluten free, paleo approved + candida cleanse friendly. It can even be made vegan by substituting chia seeds + water for the eggs.  Not only is it packed with vegetables, but the flours + flax provide healthy fats, fiber + protein. 


  • 2 cups of cauliflower crumbles (about one medium cauliflower head)

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 cup almond flour

  • 1 tbs. coconut flour

  • 1 tbs. ground flax

  • salt, pepper + other spices

  • garlic cloves, minced

  • handful of kale, finely chopped

  • toppings (this could be an endless list...)

  • parchment paper (This really is necessary!) 

Oven @ 450 degrees F

Gluten Free Pizza. Cauliflower, Almond Flour, & Kale Crust.


  1. To make cauliflower crumbles, slowly add small pieces of cauliflower into food processor or blender on chop mode. You can also hand chop here. You ultimately want a rice like texture.

  2. Microwave cauliflower for 5 minutes. Let cool. Strain using a thin dish towel.  The more water you can release, the better.

  3. Mix all ingredients together, until well blended. (If it seems a little too wet, add a bit more almond flour. This depends on how much water you were able to strain from cauliflower.)

  4. Roll mixture into a ball and place in fridge to set, 30-60 minutes. 

  5. Using a sprayed, parchment lined baking sheet, pat dough into pizza shape, 1/4" thick.  If you find it sticks to your hands, gently wet them with water or oil. 

  6. Brush olive oil on perimeter of pizza, if desired.  This helps crisp it up.

  7. Bake dough for 15-20 minutes @ 450 degrees F.

  8. Add desired toppings & bake for 10-15 more minutes.  This just depends on toppings used, and how well done you like your veggies and crust.

  9. Let cool & enjoy!

I personally love using pesto instead of pizza sauce.  Theres no sugar, no need for cheese + it's really easy to make at home. 

I also recommend always using organic, non-GMO ingredients whenever possible.

Tell me what you think + include what toppings you like to use on your pizzas!

Gluten Free Zucchini Bread Heaven

After months of being about 80/20 gluten & sugar free,  I have finally found a recipe that satisfies my sweet tooth and carb cravings without sending me into the downward spiral of depleting health.  Growing up with half of my family from Oklahoma, there was never a shortage of bread in the house or at family meals.  I always noticed a little sleepiness after consuming these types of foods, but never  realized what it was contributing to in my GI tract... After being diagnosed with two types of Candida, among other health concerns, I found myself needing to get rid of carbs and sugar for good.  If you have never heard of Candida, it is a yeast/fungus that, when overgrown in the body, penetrates the intestinal walls and enters the bloodstream.  When this happens, symptoms can range from leaky gut, skin rashes, brain fog, and depression.  I experienced all of these symptoms + more, and it took a good long time to start the healing process. But that's another story in itself.

With the help of my naturopathic doctor at Bloom,  it took several months to get to the amount of control I have today, and definitely remains a struggle to stay on track.  I realized sugar was literally changing my moods, making me cry and leaving me tired and angry.  Bread and carbs were weighing me down, making my mind fuzzy and creating a barrier for me to get any work done.  Bread will forever have a place in my heart, but finding the right substitutions makes all the difference.

Against All Grain has become one of my favorite gluten-free websites and Danielle's page is just bursting with beautiful photos.  Below is her recipe that I've used over and over again, making minor changes as my own recipe evolves.

Almond Flour Zucchini Bread


  • 1-1/2 cup blanched almond flour

  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg

  • 3 eggs, beaten

  • ¼ cup honey

  • 1 ripe banana

  • 1 cup shredded, unpeeled zucchini



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Farenheit.

  2. Combine the dry ingredients in a small bowl.

  3. Place the wet ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer, then beat on medium for 1-2 minutes until frothy and fully combined. Add the zucchini and beat again just enough to incorporate.

  4. Slowly add the dry ingredients with the mixer running, until all of the flour mixture has been incorporated.

  5. Spoon the batter into 2 mini loaf pans. You can also use this batter to make muffins.

  6. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the middle is set and a toothpick comes out clean.


I have found that this recipe only makes one loaf, and after making my first batch, I noticed that the bread was TOO moist for my liking.  I have since eliminated the banana (also eliminating a bit of the sugar the banana brings).  I tend to add a bit more zucchini, some chopped carrots, and a little unsweetened shredded coconut. I seem to like a little bit more dense, veggie-esque bread, as well as using this recipe for muffins on-the-go.  Because of the honey, this recipe is not sugar free, but instead uses a natural sweetener.  This at least keeps the blood glucose level lower than traditional sugar.  I do not recommend this for the beginning stages of an anti-candida protocol, but it's great if you want to start eliminating sugar and gluten, or just want a healthy sweet treat.

Read more about Candida here, and let me know what kinds of substitutions you like to make in your bread.


Music Monday

Part of living a healthy life is finding the moments you can just get lost in a song and really enjoy the content amazing artists have put out into the world.  Enjoy & let me know your favorites!

[8tracks width="400" height="400" playops="" url="http://8tracks.com/mixes/3116787"]

My Go-To Green Juice

I've been feeling a cold coming on lately, so have been loading up on more veggies to try and fight it. Being sick is the worst, and my weak immune system does nothing for me when fighting off infections, so I end up being sick for 3X longer than the normal person.  This year I'm determined to avoid that. My favorite immune boosting snack comes straight from my juicer.  It makes it so easy to take in a mass amount of nutrients that you normally couldn't eat in a whole sitting, and it's easy on the stomach.  Below is my go-to recipe...it's simple, quick, and cuts to the point; great for your daily routine or when you're feeling down.



  • 1 Cucumber (peeled if not organic)

  • 3-4 stalks of Celery

  • 1 Carrot

  • Juice of 1/2 Lemon

  • Turmeric

  • 2 Ice Cubes

  1.  Prepare your glass with a dash of Turmeric, 2 Ice Cubes, and a squeeze of Lemon

  2.  Juice 1/2 of Cucumber....Celery...Carrot...and 1/2 Cucumber...(In that order!)

  3. Pour the blend over the ice and enjoy with a straw.

*You can always add more Lemon Juice and/or Turmeric if desired.

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Tumeric is not a usual ingredient in green juices, but I have come to love the spice it gives. It's also one of the best things to boost the immune system, among a LONG list of other great benefits. It's pretty much my go-to fix-it herb. Read about it here.

