Homemade: Kettle Corn

Popcorn used to be my favorite snack as a kid, definitely being eaten daily after school, and sometimes willingly being subbed out for meals. Did anyone else have such an obsession with the kettle corn microwavable packs? Seriously, I love popcorn. I was heartbroken after reading Food Babe's article on Why Microwave Popcorn Is An Absolute Health Nightmare, so I quickly made the switch to air popping my own.  It took some time to get used (i.e. burning a lot of batches), but have finally been able to reproduce microwavable kettle corn on a healthier, tastier level.

Popcorn is a great low calorie snack, quick to make, and easy to take on the go or smuggle into movie theaters.  Make sure the kernels you purchase are Non GMO & Organic.  If you haven't seen & rented the documentary Genetic Roulette, it's amust watch. 

Homemade: Kettle Corn Popcorn

Using coconut crystals keeps the sugar content low on this kettle corn, with only 4 grams per tablespoon.  Feel free to use more or less, depending on your own body's response to sugar. 

Homemade Kettle Corn 


+  1/3 c. non-gmo popcorn kernels

+  2 tbs. coconut oil  (use more as drizzle after popped, if desired)

+  3-4 tbs. coconut sugar crystals

+  salt, if desired

+ large saucepan & lid


1.  Heat coconut oil in pan w/ lid on

2.  Pour kernels in oil after its warm

3.  Wearing oven mitts, hold pan and gently shake the kernels, making sure they don't burn.

4.  Continue shaking as they pop.

5.  Turn off heat before the last kernel pops & drizzle in melted coconut oil or grass fed butter.

6.  Sprinkle coconut crystals and a dash of salt.

7.  Shake some more.

Be sure to also try Food Babe's Superfood Popcorn and let me know what other combinations to try. Happy Snacking!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites 1. My favorite nutritionist, Christa Orecchio, on Boosting Your Metabolism. (http://thewholejourney.com)

2. Ditching eggs for breakfast & eating TOAST- (http://cupcakesandcashmere.com)

3. Morning Meditation: Aliveness.  (meditationoasis.com)

4. California City Guides, to help plan our next trip. (designsponge.com)

5. Learning to trust & heal your gut with Underground Wellness's Kombucha Kamp Podcast. (undergroundwellness.com)

6. Catching up on my Food To-Eat Pinterest board.

Go-To Veggie Dish

Simple Stir-Fry w/ Hemp Seeds & Turmeric I recently went through an extensive candida cleanse, which pretty much included eating only vegetables for a good number of weeks.  I literally had no cooking experience at this point, and this dish became my go-to for nourishment and kicking the candida.  This dish is one of my favorites, and far too quick & simple to make.  Not only is it jam packed with crazy amounts of preventative medicine, but also tastes quite unlike any vegetable stir-fry I've tried before.

Simple Stir-Fry w/ Hemp Seeds & Turmeric

1. Gather & chop your favorite mixture of veggies. I use (lots) of organic broccoli, carrots, onions, mushrooms and green peppers.

2. Heat 2 tbs. coconut oil in a medium plan. Once melted, add turmeric and let sit in oil as it heats.  (This maximizes the health benefits)

3. Add carrots, cook 2 minutes.

4. Add onions & peppers, cook 2 minutes.

5. Add broccoli, mushrooms, & chopped garlic, cook 2 minutes.

6. Turn heat off & sprinkle with hemp hearts, if desired.


I also like to season this dish with the season salt from The Real Salt Co, pictured in the first photo above.  This company sells unrefined, all natural sea salts, as well as addicting seasonings. Real Salt makes sure you get trace minerals back in your body, which are critical for heart and brain function, and are always missing from traditional table salt. I buy mine locally from my hometown in Southern Nevada @ Wellness 2000 Int'l, my go-to health store.

Hemp Hearts are my favorite source of magnesium, and I've been sprinkling them on everything lately (to help my sleep).

If you're looking for ingredients to help fight your candida, look no further than coconut oil, garlic, and onions. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid, which is a powerful anti-fungal and actually kills the cell walls of candida.  Garlic is also a great anti-fungal, but really helps with stimulating the liver & colon in detoxification and boosting good gut bacteria.  Onions are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, AND anti-parasitic, making them beneficial on many levels.

Feel free to mix & match different vegetables, spices, and toppings for the benefits you're looking for in your own health.  Be sure to share what mixtures are your favorites!

Well Rounded

Balance I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that life is all about finding a balance.  I’ve struggled with the thought of this forever, thinking that if I work hard, play nice, stay healthy, and make the money that I need, that everything should fall into place as it should, I’d be happy, and my life would be balanced

yogaLAB / thekarmaconceptblog

But creating a balanced life takes work, and especially, it takes awareness.  Without realizing what's abundant, what's weak, or what's completely missing, we're just set towards a bumpy road.

I’ve learned the hard way that focusing only on physical things (work, school, physical health) will drive a person to sickness. It has seemed that if something is going really great in life, sooner or later another aspect starts deteriorating. Personally, I start to focus so much on the happiness and fulfillment of the good areas that I don't nourish the other realms; the areas that may not be holding up so well and the areas that need some attention.

Regarding my own health, it started declining when I thought my career was moving forward at a great speed, and my body was stronger that it ever had been.  I had just moved to a new city and I was so excited to be finishing my degree, working in my field of study, and teaching yoga. Several months into this fulfillment phase, I started feeling like I was blowing out my mind/body/spirit connection.  I started getting chronically fatigued, physically sick for weeks at a time, and finding my body becoming sensitive to certain foods.  I thought I had everything figured out around me, but really I was just hiding from the areas that weren't so bountiful, and not really considering my whole picture.

Being around naturopathic doctors and holistic health counselors has taught me to look at the bigger picture.  By studying your life in all aspects and taking small steps to improve what is running low, it’s easy to boost your overall health.

conjourneo life wheel // thekarmaconceptblog

The Life Wheel is something health counselors have used for years, and some versions even date back to ancient Buddhism.  I like to use the site Cojourneo to analyze where I am in my holistic health circle and see what needs improving.  This site also gives you tips to boosting what is low, and management sources for each category.  I’ve posted my own circle above, and plan to update it here quarterly, as a way to look back to see where I have improved and hold myself accountable to my own personal changes.

Although these aspects can change on a weekly or daily basis, I think it’s good to see where you have come from and where you are going with your own health and happiness. You might be surprised and inspired to start taking steps to a more balanced life.

Once your through and have your wheel in front of you, view each area like spokes on a bicycle.  If this wheel were on your bike would it be wobbly? Or is it pretty well balanced and just lacking adequate inflation?  The goal is to create a round circle first, so your bike can ride smoothly and then begin filling the circle in so the whole wheel is colorful, centered, and makes your bike easy to ride.

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It's not about finding balance, but creating balance in your life.

What does your circle look like? What areas do you need help improving? What ideas do you have to create more balance in your life?

Namaste, Leah

A Natural Beauty

Happy National Day of Love, folks! In honor of Valentines Day, I'm heading back to the roots of New Years intent of self-love. I believe it's important to at least take one day out of the week to treat yourself and spend some quality time relaxing with the most important person in your life, YOU.

Since partaking on this health journey, I've not only changed my food habits, but also my beauty routine.  Just like conventional food, the products you wash your hair with, rub on your face, and clean with are made using harsh chemicals that should honestly be banned.  If you've been having ongoing health concerns, take a look at your medicine cabinet and shower products.  If you can't pronounce an ingredient AND have no idea what it is, it could be affecting your body internally.   (Check out how toxic your current cosmetics are in The Cosmetic Database.)

My favorite act of self-love is a detox bath.  I've made it a routine in my weekly schedule, and it was even recommended by my naturopathic doctor.  Below are some products I use consistently, free from chemicals and twisted ingredients.

Health Favorites

1/ Dry Skin Brush: One of my favorite products, this is used before your shower or bath.  It has a plethora of benefits, mainly becoming popular for removing cellulite, as well as to stimulate circulation, tone muscles, and eliminate clogged pores. (It also preps my legs for a cleaner shave.) Always start at your feet, and use long strokes up the body towards the heart.

Detox Bath Soak: Since the skin is the largest organ used for detoxing the body, this soak does it all in one sitting.  This San Francisco based company has many different blends of salts, catering to whatever your needs are.

Aztec Healing Clay:  I have used almost every face wash on the market and this has battled my skin problems better than anything I have ever used.  When blended with apple cider vinegar and brushed on the skin, it hardens within 15 minutes to create smaller pores, less blackheads, and overall more appealing skin tone.  Use right before you get in your detox bath, to get double the internal cleansing benefits.

Norwex Cloths: Want to stop using face wash altogether?!  These microfiber cloths are infused with silver thread, creating an antibacterial cloth when activated by water.  These get rid of my makeup better than anything topical I have used, and cleanse way better than chemical laden washes.  These make it easier to travel; I don't have to have an extra bottle in my bag!  Definitely a must have.  They are sold by independent distributors, so find someone near you and help out a small, local business.  (They also carry household-cleaning clothes, check out this video...)

Essential Oils:  These can be used for just about anything, but I love adding them to my bath water.  My favorites are lavender for relaxing at night, and a sandalwood/vetiver mixture for morning time.

Treat yourself, Heal Yourself, and Love Yourself.

Try Mary's Self-Love Meditation today as well. This is one of my favorites.


What natural products do you use in your daily beauty routines? Also, what are some essential oils that are must-haves around the home?  I'm looking to expand my collection. Thanks!

Much Love, Leah